Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I'm so sorry for us not talking that much though, as you've seen it was because I was away =[ But it's okay, because I'm back now and we've resumed our regular schedule of talking and hanging out most every day!

I love you so much oh my god I need to write another blog post about you soon ahhhh <33333333333


For whatever reason, people I break up with don't seem to understand that I don't want to date them anymore.. I don't understand why, because I'm pretty explicitly clear with all of them that we're breaking up. Then we both do our own thing for a while, and eventually we start talking again. I don't mind talking to people I've broken up with. I don't dislike them, it just wasn't working out dating-wise. I'm perfectly fine being friends with said people, but after a little while of talking to me they get all "LOL, Jamie you're the coolest person I've dated in a while and I really kind of want to date you again". But... No...

I don't want to be a jerk, I don't enjoy letting these people down. But I don't pussy foot around it either. I'm very clear with them that I like being friends with them, and that I don't want to date them again because it didn't work out the first time. So it's not as though they're getting mixed signals from me.

Sometimes they ask if we can be "friends with benefits" and I agree to that, but long before anything ever happens they pull a bait and switch of sorts on me and get all "Well really if we're friends and you want to make out, we may as well just date again."

Guys, I don't want to date you. I'm just a whore. Sorry..

Thursday, August 2, 2012

I guess It's Time I Owe You a Post on Here.

Helllo, August. Wow, I haven't seen Jamie since like mid-June.. =/

So remember when I said I was going to make you that whole video thing? I kept screwing it up like a half hour into the video, and redoing it over and over again wastes too much time.

Plus, I can spend a few hours going off in deep description on how much you mean to me, but like, I know you're too busy to really respond to it... and you'll probably call me a bitch, so I'll just fuck that. 

I feel really disconnected to you right now. I mean, it could be because you're in Europe, but then again, as you said, you've grown up quite a lot this year, and you've become a lot more of an independent person.

It's a good thing. I'm proud of you actually =]

I definitely sound like a little ol' attention whore here, but even though things are going really well for you, and you're making a lot of new friends, don't ever forget this girl here.


But anyway, when my phone broke back in April or May or whatever, I decided to read through all my text conversations with the people in my phone. Some things make me sad.. and others still warmed my heart.. but I know I'll get too cheesy if I keep writing about it, so I'll just stop here. =P

Ours started sometime last may when I wanted to thank you for this (even though we hadn't had deep conversation in well over a year at the time of when the text was sent):


and then I read over how our friendship slowly grew stronger over the first couple of months to the point where you became one of the most important people in my life.

And since you were there for that every step of the way, I guess I need not say more.

Thank you.