Tuesday, August 6, 2013

10 Neopets That I Want..

Because who doesn't waste their life on that website..?

1.Transparent Wocky: I've had this bizarre obsession with Skeleanimals since my cousin bought me a sketch book with a Skeleanimal kitty on it when I was younger. Now I want one of my own. Plus, I love anatomy and bones, making the art on this perfect.
2. Zombie Uni: I love zombies, and I love unicorns. 'Nuff said =)
3. Faerie Grundo: This was my dream pet when I was younger. I worked extremely hard to save up my first million neopoints to buy my pet her faerie paint brush, and then I made the mistake of trading my pet to an account that got frozen. I regretted my decision, and since then I've made a pact to get another baby Grundo to never ever trade.
4. Baby Usul: My other dream pet as a kid that I vowed to have on my account before I retired from the website.
5. Baby Draik: I love dragons, but the regular draik got ugly after the redraws. This little guy, however, rocks the one-piece tuxedo and melts my heart.
6. Pirate Lupe: Because Lupe means wolf in Latin... and because this Harry Potter look makes me howl ;)
7. White Ixi: I always thought the Ixi was amongst the prettiest of Neopets, and I always wanted one.. or five. I chose the white Ixi because I can apply the skeletal makeup to make it look like the Ixi is wearing eyeliner, which complements my favorite feature on them: their large, doe eyes.
9. Royal Boy or Girl Korbat: Greek gods are love. But I saw this cool Batman ensemble so... 
10.  Some kind of Shoyru. I just love them all and have yet to decide which I want.. maybe pirate, faerie, or chocolate..

CREDITS: Dress to Impress to play with clothing items and Neocolours to play with paintbrush colors

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