Thursday, June 14, 2012

So Apparently I Suck At Talking to People I Don't Know

I mean.. Okay, not that I suck at it on the outside. Well most times anyway.. For the most part I can get away with making conversation with people I don't know and.. It.. You know, works. Sometimes it's a little awkward at first, but it usually loosens up if I talk to someone longer. But boy do I have an internal freakout. I can't even talk to people on Omegle without being super anxious.

Sooo I'm going to work on that. I was actually trying to work on it before by talking to at least one new person a day. And I did a decent job with that for like two weeks. But I kind of fell out of doing that.. So I'm starting again. I guess I've been doing a decent job so far since yesterday I met Josh in the parking lot of Tyler and played disc golf with him (BLOGGING ABOUT THAT LATER), and today I'm on Omegle. Trying to not talk to the creepers (which is hard).. Well I mean it's fun to mess with the creepers ("62/M/AnystateintheBibleBelt", anyone? Come on, we've all done it), but I'm trying to legit talk to people too.. And right now it's not actually going that well =[

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

It's Super-Effective!

THIS IS THE MOST PAINFUL MOUTHWASH IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD OH MY GOD. I like cried the first time I used it. And you need to suffer for a minute.

That's sixty seconds of HELL.

This stuff better give me white teeth, I swear.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Jamie Quotes that Make Me Smile

So, I decided that too many times I tell Jamie that I'm going to quote her one day.. well I figure I'll just compile them all her words of wisdom here right now so that when I'm feeling down, I can come here and keep on smiling(also to keep inventory on all of them, she has a lot since she's awesome like that). She's the best. Of course, the first line I write on here from her that gave me this big idea is kinda ridiculous, but then again, that's why I love her <3
Started (6.11.12 @1:01AM)
1. "Let's see how men like semenopause"
3. "The next time I have sex I have to spread their legs and go 'RELEASE THE KRAKEN!'"
4. "America is the fat forty-five-year-old quarterback living in his glory days."
5. "The world is our oyster"

The Best of Jess

- "I'm making duct tape wallets! What color do you want? We have black, blue, green, red, and orange (no.)"
- "Tasty, tasty. Burgaliscious definition make them mechanics go loco.. Lmao, what did I just write..?"
- Me: "OW I HAVE THE MOST PAINFUL MOUTHWASH EVER.." Jess: "It's super effective!"
- I look like a crack head.

Sooo Jess, this is a surprise for you! I was going to text you about this, but I decided I'd tell the whole world why I love you <3

I was telling Brittany about my super duper life drama and at one point I said: "This is why I'm so glad I have Jess. A sane, normal friend who doesn't pull dumb bullshit. We've been best friends since 8th grade and never had a fight <3"

Yeah that's it, it's nothing super duper.. But I wanted to thank you for always being there for me and being an awesome friend, so I thought a surprise blog post would be adorbs =]

Love you! <3 <3 <3 

Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Words "Best Friend" Become Redefined: Angsty Teenager Bullshit

Why can't I ever talk to you about anything without you making it about yourself? I don't. Get it. I know you like me, and I'm sorry. I try my best to be respectful of that, I really do. But it really hurts that you can't put that same effort into trying to listen to me talk about what girls I'm interested in. Every single time I bring up a girl, without fail, you suffer through the conversation and then disappear directly afterwards. I dealt with it with Manna. I dealt with it with Ginger. But I just can't anymore. I try to be nice about it, I walk on eggshells around you in fear that I'll say something that'll set you off but I really just can't do it anymore. Not if you don't put some effort into listening to me, too. Just ONCE I'd like to tell you about some girl without you giving me a curt "Well I'm gonna, 'night." and promptly signing off.

But you know what pisses me off the most? When you get on your high horse and tell me that no, you don't have feelings for me. When you tell me I need to "stop making assumptions" about the way you feel.

You. Can not. Throw one of your tantrums. While my current girl-person is meeting my parents. And THEN turn around and say you don't have feelings for me.

You legitimately said "I'm just upset that she's having dinner with your parents and you do all these things for her and you only met her a month ago, and I was supposed to eat with you and your parents for your birthday and you ditched me". Those are your words, not mine. Words which don't exactly scream "I don't really care at all about who you're dating or who you're fucking".

Honest to god, if I'm wrong then stop. You know what little things upset me, it won't kill you to wait an extra five minutes to go to bed instead of getting rid of me ASAP. I get upset and angry with you because you do these dumb things, you stop talking to me when I talk about a girl I like or get pissy when I have them meet my parents, to me and it LOOKS like you have feelings for me. I'd love if you didn't, but if you do that's fine. Just admit it and I'll apologize and try to be more careful. No one can help the way they feel, I'm totally not going to be a jerk about it. But you really need to stop making me out to be the bad guy in all of this. I'm not making assumptions, I'm telling you how your actions look to me and asking for clarification. And if there's a misunderstanding then you can talk to me about it like an adult instead of throwing a tantrum and crying in a corner every time I bring a girl up.

You're supposed to be one of my best friends.

Disclaimer: The person in question isn't Jess. I have more than one friend =P 

T-Brews and Me!

I got bored and decided to edit the picture of me and T-Brews. This is the best I could do =P 

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I removed our videos from here because they  know... asinine. lmao.

Come over my house sometime this week so that we can redo them. kthanx. <3

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Know Who's Adorbs?

I'm waiting for my ipod to charge. I want to go on a run, but I don't know if that's remotely possible due to all dat lightning and stuff outside. I over-ate this weekend and totally bummed around though, so I want to get some kind of physical activity in..

OMG! Mr. Reeeppp just emailed me back! I love him soo much! Here's what he said:
2:37 PM (6 hours ago)

to me 
Hi Jess,
Thank you for letting me know about the papers. You can email them to me or just bring them in after the strike. I'll make sure your grades get counted! With regard to what you may have heard about my future (and many other teachers) as of Friday I do not have a job in the fall. However, there is still hope that the school board will change its mind about all these budget cuts and many of us could still have jobs. If you or your parents want to get involved feel free to contact the school board or the superintendent. Thanks for your support and enjoy the beautiful weather outside!

Mr Repp]

I will most certainly get involved. I'm gonna try to write the sweetest thing back to him that I can. He is most certainly one of my favorite teachers this year. He is a sweetheart and shouldn't be the first to lose his job. In all honesty, I don't really like the "bottom-of-the-barrel" cut system at Neshaminy. Most of the cut teachers finally just got jobs after struggling for years in this disgusting economy. Destroying their hopes isn't really approved by me. If anything, if I were in the school board, and I HAD to make cuts, I'd cut the single teachers first because they don't have families that they have to pay for, unlike Repp, who hasn't been married for long and was probably looking forward to having a child soon. That's terrible ordeal for him.. he has my best of wishes. Also... why couldn't the school board fire the people that were causing trouble for them the most? Like Mrs. Boyd...  I mean, all the other decisions made by the NFT and the NSD have been pretty selfish, am I right? The term "fair" doesn't translate to English in the whole fiasco anyway anymore..

Point being, bless Mr. Repp. He is absolutely awesome and deserves the best. I love that he is always understanding of everything I say to him.. and if he kinda isn't..  I give him the puppy eyes in class, and he totally falls for it <3. But in all sincerity, he's one teacher that I don't take advantage of and that I'm glad I have met. I've learned more about morals from him than actual English-related stuff ( LOL,  I'm sorta referencing to that passage we both read in the SATS yesterday.. ), and in his class,  I've actually learned something for once as opposed to nothing or things that I can probably figure out on my own; it's better to be a good person than a just person. By that, I mean that all the sweet things that Mr. Repp has done for me this year make him above other teachers who just follow the rules and take their money. That's why if I had to fire anybody, certainly I would not lay off Reppenhagen.

Okay, well Mr. Repp, he's one thing (well person) that is adorbbs, but guess who else is? Yeah, you know, you guyzzzzzzz <3

The adorable picture of two adorable people (Jamie and Tom) that I took today when we all went to Tom's.

We went on another one of our spur-of- the moment adventures today- Tom's house! He's in my English class. Cool, right ( for once, the term cool actually means cool, which is rare in today's world, lmao)?
I think he was actually a little annoyed that we all came over to disturb him on a Sunday night, but it's nice that he was a good sport about it- he's really funny and nice. Also, props to Brittany for putting up with us being us in the car and coming to his and Shannon's house. I finally got to meet Brittany today after promising Jamie for weeks now that I would. I only got to talk to her for a little bit, but my first impression in that she's very nice and pretty. Hope she (you) had a nice time in this part of the county, as shitty as it is.. :) Being with Jamie, I doubt that she(you again) wouldn't =P

Shannon, Shannon's sister, AK, and Shannon's dog were all nice too. I wish I knew them better, but our little bit of fun was good for now. I feel better today that I got to go out for a little bit. I've been either testing or sleeping all weekend, hence me feeling like a bum, and I've blown over basically everyone cause I've just been not in the mood... but I'm glad that I made the decision to finally geeett outta da house.

I gotta do somethin productive now though- it seems necessary. I'm using the whole no-school thing to the best of my advantage. NO time is to go to waste this week . ^-^

Another blog post might be commin tonight! We'll see ;) Alright, peace in da middle east☮