Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Words "Best Friend" Become Redefined: Angsty Teenager Bullshit

Why can't I ever talk to you about anything without you making it about yourself? I don't. Get it. I know you like me, and I'm sorry. I try my best to be respectful of that, I really do. But it really hurts that you can't put that same effort into trying to listen to me talk about what girls I'm interested in. Every single time I bring up a girl, without fail, you suffer through the conversation and then disappear directly afterwards. I dealt with it with Manna. I dealt with it with Ginger. But I just can't anymore. I try to be nice about it, I walk on eggshells around you in fear that I'll say something that'll set you off but I really just can't do it anymore. Not if you don't put some effort into listening to me, too. Just ONCE I'd like to tell you about some girl without you giving me a curt "Well I'm gonna, 'night." and promptly signing off.

But you know what pisses me off the most? When you get on your high horse and tell me that no, you don't have feelings for me. When you tell me I need to "stop making assumptions" about the way you feel.

You. Can not. Throw one of your tantrums. While my current girl-person is meeting my parents. And THEN turn around and say you don't have feelings for me.

You legitimately said "I'm just upset that she's having dinner with your parents and you do all these things for her and you only met her a month ago, and I was supposed to eat with you and your parents for your birthday and you ditched me". Those are your words, not mine. Words which don't exactly scream "I don't really care at all about who you're dating or who you're fucking".

Honest to god, if I'm wrong then stop. You know what little things upset me, it won't kill you to wait an extra five minutes to go to bed instead of getting rid of me ASAP. I get upset and angry with you because you do these dumb things, you stop talking to me when I talk about a girl I like or get pissy when I have them meet my parents, to me and it LOOKS like you have feelings for me. I'd love if you didn't, but if you do that's fine. Just admit it and I'll apologize and try to be more careful. No one can help the way they feel, I'm totally not going to be a jerk about it. But you really need to stop making me out to be the bad guy in all of this. I'm not making assumptions, I'm telling you how your actions look to me and asking for clarification. And if there's a misunderstanding then you can talk to me about it like an adult instead of throwing a tantrum and crying in a corner every time I bring a girl up.

You're supposed to be one of my best friends.

Disclaimer: The person in question isn't Jess. I have more than one friend =P 

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