Sunday, December 2, 2012

Haven't Posted in While, Here's Some Melodrama!

It's not a huge deal, but I'm just mad at someone for a stupid reason. Long story short, I was supposed to meet my friend at a sandwich shop today at 1 but I was running late so they told me to just not come and left.

Yeah, it's wrong that I was late.

But I don't know.. I feel like telling me to just stay home when I'm about to walk out the door is a little much. I guess punctuality just isn't nearly as important to me as it is to my friend.

And the fact that she was there kind of caught me off guard. I was expecting an update saying she was on her way, not a text saying she was there. A miscommunication that's no one's fault.

I also didn't even know that she was getting her own ride there, I thought I was supposed to be picking her up. She didn't tell me she was going there independent of me. Another miscommunication.

She was mad that I was running late and I "didn't tell her", but it's not as though I did it intentionally. I fell asleep waiting for her to be done with her earlier engagement (I've been struggling a lot with energy levels lately, often sleeping until two or three in the afternoon every day no matter what time I go to bed). I texted her when I woke up and realized it was 1:15.

Also, she wanted to hang out with me until 5 but I told her that I needed to be somewhere at 3:30. She was a little disappointed/annoyed at that? I'm sorry I can't spend four hours with you to get lunch.

All in all, I understand why she's mad and it's a totally valid reason. But I feel like she completely over reacted. The lunch place is nine minutes away, and I was going to head out the door. You don't need to get angry and tell me to just stay home then. I don't feel like that's an appropriate way to deal with a friend lunch. Especially since she asked me to hang out last minute because someone ELSE canceled on her. So here I am re-arranging my schedule just to be second choice and get canceled on anyway. And I passed up on going out to brunch with my family for this.

I still shouldn't have been late, but now I have resentment towards my friend for how she responded to the situation.

Friday, September 14, 2012

3(+) Reasons Maroon 5 is My Favorite Band

(*Original version from It Won't Be Soon Before Long re-release, see below for Rihanna version!)

The entire album Overexposed is pretty great

(One More Night has a great video)

Alternate "If I Never See Your Face Again" feat. Rihanna (Good Girl Gone Bad re-release)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Adventures of an eBay Tycoon

Hi, all!

So I just recently got a decent sum of money from my grandparents for graduation. Instead of just spending it on stuff I wanted, I decided to start a business. So I'm now in the business of buying used/broken electronics and re-selling them on eBay. And man, business is BOOMING. I was worried that no one would call, but I have more offers than I really know what to do with.

I'm going to cap my spending at $300 this week and see what happens with trying to sell them and stuff. Some things should be easier than others to make a profit off of..

So yeah. That's that.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Making Friends on the Internet

Okay, so a little while ago I did a post about how I didn't know how to talk to people on Omegle and how my one friend meets a lot of cool people on there and I wanted to do that too and blah, blah, blah. Yeah, people on Omegle are creepy. For the most part. I've had a lot better luck typing "Reddit" into the interests thing.

But that got me thinking, if I'm meeting all these cool people on Omegle from Reddit... I'm sure there's lots of cool people ON Reddit too.

So I've recently taken up to shooting a PM to people I stumble upon that I find interesting. I actually do this as opposed to replying as a public comment most times. If I reply to their comment I find that I don't really have anything to message them about later (duh, because I wind up using that conversation thread), and I feel awkward PMing them after the fact saying "Wow I think you're really cool, we should be friends!". I find that it works better for me to PM them, have whatever conversation I was going to have, and then suggest we become Facebook friends or something of the sort.

That method has been working out pretty well for me thus far =]


Some 15 year old girl from a rich family gets killed by her sister, and when the older sister confesses the mother is like "Ohhh, it's okay Mercedes!" Like what the hell? If my mom was sitting with me and I was like "I murdered my sister" she'd be like "Ew, WTF get away from me" or SOMETHING. Okay, maybe she'd be in shock and just not have a reaction. But.. Just.. Not THAT reaction.

And it doesn't help that the entire reason the 20-something year old girl killed her sister is that she had sex with her fiance' (who's also from a wealthy family).

Cool, thanks for my morning dose of rape, Law & Order. Thanks.

What the Hell, Law & Order?

It's almost six in the morning here, and we have Dish network so it's infomercials galore right now. Sidenote, never, EVER get Dish. It's like the worst provider ever. Most channels switch to infomercials after midnight. The remaining channels don't really broadcast much longer, most succumbing to infomercials by 2am. Which really kind of super sucks for insomniacs...

Anyway. There's nothing to watch here right now, so I'm stuck watching Law & order and BOY is it dumb.

Apparently there's some lady whose.. Son killed two people, is essentially certifiably crazy, and has been deemed "genetically criminal"? And then the son's mother was testifying at his trial and she's pregnant and the lawyer questioning her basically tells her that her next baby is probably "genetically criminal" too (like what the fuck, is that actually a thing?) and she should abort it.


Da fuq is that shit? This show is bad. And they should feel bad.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I'm so sorry for us not talking that much though, as you've seen it was because I was away =[ But it's okay, because I'm back now and we've resumed our regular schedule of talking and hanging out most every day!

I love you so much oh my god I need to write another blog post about you soon ahhhh <33333333333


For whatever reason, people I break up with don't seem to understand that I don't want to date them anymore.. I don't understand why, because I'm pretty explicitly clear with all of them that we're breaking up. Then we both do our own thing for a while, and eventually we start talking again. I don't mind talking to people I've broken up with. I don't dislike them, it just wasn't working out dating-wise. I'm perfectly fine being friends with said people, but after a little while of talking to me they get all "LOL, Jamie you're the coolest person I've dated in a while and I really kind of want to date you again". But... No...

I don't want to be a jerk, I don't enjoy letting these people down. But I don't pussy foot around it either. I'm very clear with them that I like being friends with them, and that I don't want to date them again because it didn't work out the first time. So it's not as though they're getting mixed signals from me.

Sometimes they ask if we can be "friends with benefits" and I agree to that, but long before anything ever happens they pull a bait and switch of sorts on me and get all "Well really if we're friends and you want to make out, we may as well just date again."

Guys, I don't want to date you. I'm just a whore. Sorry..

Thursday, August 2, 2012

I guess It's Time I Owe You a Post on Here.

Helllo, August. Wow, I haven't seen Jamie since like mid-June.. =/

So remember when I said I was going to make you that whole video thing? I kept screwing it up like a half hour into the video, and redoing it over and over again wastes too much time.

Plus, I can spend a few hours going off in deep description on how much you mean to me, but like, I know you're too busy to really respond to it... and you'll probably call me a bitch, so I'll just fuck that. 

I feel really disconnected to you right now. I mean, it could be because you're in Europe, but then again, as you said, you've grown up quite a lot this year, and you've become a lot more of an independent person.

It's a good thing. I'm proud of you actually =]

I definitely sound like a little ol' attention whore here, but even though things are going really well for you, and you're making a lot of new friends, don't ever forget this girl here.


But anyway, when my phone broke back in April or May or whatever, I decided to read through all my text conversations with the people in my phone. Some things make me sad.. and others still warmed my heart.. but I know I'll get too cheesy if I keep writing about it, so I'll just stop here. =P

Ours started sometime last may when I wanted to thank you for this (even though we hadn't had deep conversation in well over a year at the time of when the text was sent):


and then I read over how our friendship slowly grew stronger over the first couple of months to the point where you became one of the most important people in my life.

And since you were there for that every step of the way, I guess I need not say more.

Thank you.

Friday, July 13, 2012

My Sleeping Pattern is Horrible =/

For the past four phones I haven't went to bed any sooner than 3am.

Three out of four of those days I went to bed past 5am.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

So Apparently I Suck At Talking to People I Don't Know

I mean.. Okay, not that I suck at it on the outside. Well most times anyway.. For the most part I can get away with making conversation with people I don't know and.. It.. You know, works. Sometimes it's a little awkward at first, but it usually loosens up if I talk to someone longer. But boy do I have an internal freakout. I can't even talk to people on Omegle without being super anxious.

Sooo I'm going to work on that. I was actually trying to work on it before by talking to at least one new person a day. And I did a decent job with that for like two weeks. But I kind of fell out of doing that.. So I'm starting again. I guess I've been doing a decent job so far since yesterday I met Josh in the parking lot of Tyler and played disc golf with him (BLOGGING ABOUT THAT LATER), and today I'm on Omegle. Trying to not talk to the creepers (which is hard).. Well I mean it's fun to mess with the creepers ("62/M/AnystateintheBibleBelt", anyone? Come on, we've all done it), but I'm trying to legit talk to people too.. And right now it's not actually going that well =[

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

It's Super-Effective!

THIS IS THE MOST PAINFUL MOUTHWASH IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD OH MY GOD. I like cried the first time I used it. And you need to suffer for a minute.

That's sixty seconds of HELL.

This stuff better give me white teeth, I swear.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Jamie Quotes that Make Me Smile

So, I decided that too many times I tell Jamie that I'm going to quote her one day.. well I figure I'll just compile them all her words of wisdom here right now so that when I'm feeling down, I can come here and keep on smiling(also to keep inventory on all of them, she has a lot since she's awesome like that). She's the best. Of course, the first line I write on here from her that gave me this big idea is kinda ridiculous, but then again, that's why I love her <3
Started (6.11.12 @1:01AM)
1. "Let's see how men like semenopause"
3. "The next time I have sex I have to spread their legs and go 'RELEASE THE KRAKEN!'"
4. "America is the fat forty-five-year-old quarterback living in his glory days."
5. "The world is our oyster"

The Best of Jess

- "I'm making duct tape wallets! What color do you want? We have black, blue, green, red, and orange (no.)"
- "Tasty, tasty. Burgaliscious definition make them mechanics go loco.. Lmao, what did I just write..?"
- Me: "OW I HAVE THE MOST PAINFUL MOUTHWASH EVER.." Jess: "It's super effective!"
- I look like a crack head.

Sooo Jess, this is a surprise for you! I was going to text you about this, but I decided I'd tell the whole world why I love you <3

I was telling Brittany about my super duper life drama and at one point I said: "This is why I'm so glad I have Jess. A sane, normal friend who doesn't pull dumb bullshit. We've been best friends since 8th grade and never had a fight <3"

Yeah that's it, it's nothing super duper.. But I wanted to thank you for always being there for me and being an awesome friend, so I thought a surprise blog post would be adorbs =]

Love you! <3 <3 <3 

Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Words "Best Friend" Become Redefined: Angsty Teenager Bullshit

Why can't I ever talk to you about anything without you making it about yourself? I don't. Get it. I know you like me, and I'm sorry. I try my best to be respectful of that, I really do. But it really hurts that you can't put that same effort into trying to listen to me talk about what girls I'm interested in. Every single time I bring up a girl, without fail, you suffer through the conversation and then disappear directly afterwards. I dealt with it with Manna. I dealt with it with Ginger. But I just can't anymore. I try to be nice about it, I walk on eggshells around you in fear that I'll say something that'll set you off but I really just can't do it anymore. Not if you don't put some effort into listening to me, too. Just ONCE I'd like to tell you about some girl without you giving me a curt "Well I'm gonna, 'night." and promptly signing off.

But you know what pisses me off the most? When you get on your high horse and tell me that no, you don't have feelings for me. When you tell me I need to "stop making assumptions" about the way you feel.

You. Can not. Throw one of your tantrums. While my current girl-person is meeting my parents. And THEN turn around and say you don't have feelings for me.

You legitimately said "I'm just upset that she's having dinner with your parents and you do all these things for her and you only met her a month ago, and I was supposed to eat with you and your parents for your birthday and you ditched me". Those are your words, not mine. Words which don't exactly scream "I don't really care at all about who you're dating or who you're fucking".

Honest to god, if I'm wrong then stop. You know what little things upset me, it won't kill you to wait an extra five minutes to go to bed instead of getting rid of me ASAP. I get upset and angry with you because you do these dumb things, you stop talking to me when I talk about a girl I like or get pissy when I have them meet my parents, to me and it LOOKS like you have feelings for me. I'd love if you didn't, but if you do that's fine. Just admit it and I'll apologize and try to be more careful. No one can help the way they feel, I'm totally not going to be a jerk about it. But you really need to stop making me out to be the bad guy in all of this. I'm not making assumptions, I'm telling you how your actions look to me and asking for clarification. And if there's a misunderstanding then you can talk to me about it like an adult instead of throwing a tantrum and crying in a corner every time I bring a girl up.

You're supposed to be one of my best friends.

Disclaimer: The person in question isn't Jess. I have more than one friend =P 

T-Brews and Me!

I got bored and decided to edit the picture of me and T-Brews. This is the best I could do =P 

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I removed our videos from here because they  know... asinine. lmao.

Come over my house sometime this week so that we can redo them. kthanx. <3

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Know Who's Adorbs?

I'm waiting for my ipod to charge. I want to go on a run, but I don't know if that's remotely possible due to all dat lightning and stuff outside. I over-ate this weekend and totally bummed around though, so I want to get some kind of physical activity in..

OMG! Mr. Reeeppp just emailed me back! I love him soo much! Here's what he said:
2:37 PM (6 hours ago)

to me 
Hi Jess,
Thank you for letting me know about the papers. You can email them to me or just bring them in after the strike. I'll make sure your grades get counted! With regard to what you may have heard about my future (and many other teachers) as of Friday I do not have a job in the fall. However, there is still hope that the school board will change its mind about all these budget cuts and many of us could still have jobs. If you or your parents want to get involved feel free to contact the school board or the superintendent. Thanks for your support and enjoy the beautiful weather outside!

Mr Repp]

I will most certainly get involved. I'm gonna try to write the sweetest thing back to him that I can. He is most certainly one of my favorite teachers this year. He is a sweetheart and shouldn't be the first to lose his job. In all honesty, I don't really like the "bottom-of-the-barrel" cut system at Neshaminy. Most of the cut teachers finally just got jobs after struggling for years in this disgusting economy. Destroying their hopes isn't really approved by me. If anything, if I were in the school board, and I HAD to make cuts, I'd cut the single teachers first because they don't have families that they have to pay for, unlike Repp, who hasn't been married for long and was probably looking forward to having a child soon. That's terrible ordeal for him.. he has my best of wishes. Also... why couldn't the school board fire the people that were causing trouble for them the most? Like Mrs. Boyd...  I mean, all the other decisions made by the NFT and the NSD have been pretty selfish, am I right? The term "fair" doesn't translate to English in the whole fiasco anyway anymore..

Point being, bless Mr. Repp. He is absolutely awesome and deserves the best. I love that he is always understanding of everything I say to him.. and if he kinda isn't..  I give him the puppy eyes in class, and he totally falls for it <3. But in all sincerity, he's one teacher that I don't take advantage of and that I'm glad I have met. I've learned more about morals from him than actual English-related stuff ( LOL,  I'm sorta referencing to that passage we both read in the SATS yesterday.. ), and in his class,  I've actually learned something for once as opposed to nothing or things that I can probably figure out on my own; it's better to be a good person than a just person. By that, I mean that all the sweet things that Mr. Repp has done for me this year make him above other teachers who just follow the rules and take their money. That's why if I had to fire anybody, certainly I would not lay off Reppenhagen.

Okay, well Mr. Repp, he's one thing (well person) that is adorbbs, but guess who else is? Yeah, you know, you guyzzzzzzz <3

The adorable picture of two adorable people (Jamie and Tom) that I took today when we all went to Tom's.

We went on another one of our spur-of- the moment adventures today- Tom's house! He's in my English class. Cool, right ( for once, the term cool actually means cool, which is rare in today's world, lmao)?
I think he was actually a little annoyed that we all came over to disturb him on a Sunday night, but it's nice that he was a good sport about it- he's really funny and nice. Also, props to Brittany for putting up with us being us in the car and coming to his and Shannon's house. I finally got to meet Brittany today after promising Jamie for weeks now that I would. I only got to talk to her for a little bit, but my first impression in that she's very nice and pretty. Hope she (you) had a nice time in this part of the county, as shitty as it is.. :) Being with Jamie, I doubt that she(you again) wouldn't =P

Shannon, Shannon's sister, AK, and Shannon's dog were all nice too. I wish I knew them better, but our little bit of fun was good for now. I feel better today that I got to go out for a little bit. I've been either testing or sleeping all weekend, hence me feeling like a bum, and I've blown over basically everyone cause I've just been not in the mood... but I'm glad that I made the decision to finally geeett outta da house.

I gotta do somethin productive now though- it seems necessary. I'm using the whole no-school thing to the best of my advantage. NO time is to go to waste this week . ^-^

Another blog post might be commin tonight! We'll see ;) Alright, peace in da middle east☮

Thursday, May 31, 2012


Why isn't anything I do ever good enough?

Okay, so my mom was mad at me because I didn't want to submit a second piece to some audition I was doing. The only reason I didn't want to submit this piece is because it's been at least six months, but definitely more, since I've actually played it. Submitting two music pieces was optional (though "recommended"), and I had already submitted one really awesome piece that I have down cold. I didn't want to ruin the good impression I gave the judges by submitting a second, not nearly as put together piece. But things came to a head with my family and my parents told me that they were making me submit this piece. Fine, whatever. I get that, it's cool. The deadline is the 31st. So I practice this piece last week for an audition I had on Saturday or Sunday (I forget which day). And then I practice it for three hours between Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday I had my NYU thing and I was staying at my aunt's house, so I wasn't home. I just got home Thursday night around 7. What's the first thing I do when I get home? Grab my bass clarinet and go record this thing. As soon as I'm done recording it I send it off to my mom. I got this thing done and to her inbox by 8:30, plenty of time to figure out how to add it to the application I already sent. Then my mom has some trouble uploading it or something, and suddenly she's cursing ME for waiting until the last minute to do this. I mean yes, I know. Today, the day I recorded, was the 31st. Could I have recorded on Tuesday? Probably. But I was practicing it on Tuesday, I didn't want to send in a crappy sounding piece. So suddenly I'm a horrible, awful person and this is all my fault and maybe "I just won't send it in, it's not like she prepared for it anyway". I understand when my parents get mad at me for not practicing at all. Blah, blah, blah I'm Jamie and I'm going to be a professional musician when I grow up.. Yeah, so I need to practice. But criticizing me on my practicing, and telling me I didn't try hard enough.. I just.. No. That can't happen. Why would I ever want to practice? Why would I want to practice if I finally get around to it and all I'm going to do is get yelled at for not practicing enough? Which isn't even true, I practiced for hours. And like I said, between Monday and Tuesday I practiced this song for three hours. Plus some scales and other songs I'm working on.. But even if I didn't practice for hours, even if I only practiced for a half hour, isn't that still better than nothing? It's not expected of most people to go from zero to sixty in three seconds, we're not cars. It'd make things a lot easier on me if my baby steps weren't criticized.

What if you were trying to lose weight? You're trying to lose weight, and after a month you lose five pounds. "Only five pounds? Ha!" scoff your friends. Would you really want to keep dieting after that? Would you really want to keep trying? No. What's the point of trying if what little effort you make is just going to be criticized?

Practicing is a little bit different. It's not physically possible for me to sit down and practice for three hours right now. It's not even possible for me to practice for three hours in small chunks through out the day. You can only run so much, you can only do so many push-ups, you can only practice so much. Right now I can make an hour comfortably, even an hour and a half. If I really push myself I can do two hours, but then I'm pretty much shot for the next day or two. At least the next day.

So that's just me. It really makes me sad. It makes me sad that I try and all I do is get shit for even trying. At least when I get shit for not trying I don't waste any of my effort. If I'm just going to get in trouble anyway, what's the point?

ANGSTY TEENAGE ANGST WAH CRY BOOHOO. Nah man, it's fine. It's cool. But I wish people would understand. It sucks when you put effort into something and no one appreciates it.

The lesson to learn is this: If you can tell that someone's trying, even if you don't think they're trying as hard as they could or should or they're not making enough progress for you or WHATEVER, you should still encourage them. Or at the very least don't discourage them. Then you're just going to push them back to square one =P

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A Short Letter to Someone With Whom I Only Crossed Paths

Dear Actress-Girl on the Subway,
You seemed really stressed out when I sat next to you. If I had more time I would have said something, but unfortunately my stop was the next one up. I don't know what play you were studying, but you seemed as if you knew it well. I wish you luck in your audition. Do try not to psych yourself out, I'm sure you'll do just fine! =]
That Awesome Chick Who Sat Next to You

Monday, May 28, 2012

We are the coolest.

Dumb Topic of the Day: Family

Mom: Jeeeeeeesssssssssss. Can you come down here really quick??

Me: Um. hold on, I gotta finish something really quick!

(One minute later..)

Mom: Jess. Come down here really quick!


(Not even thirty seconds later)

Mom: Hey, can you come down here?

Me: *vicious snarl*

I wonder to myself why she's soo anxious for me to come down. It's usually something pretty dumb, I'd bet monopoly money that it's pretty dumb.. yes, it's pretty dumb.

I started to hear some gaudy Italian music. They both turn around with  bright and gleaming trolll faces to show me this:
Yes, I had to take a picture.. my heart melted a little bit when I saw how happy they were and couldn't resist.

The lighted torches, Mediterranean plants, and bubbling hot tub almost made the painful Italian music suitable for the moment.

Had to make sure Tony was accounted for in this event too!

Yes, they created a little vacation spot for them to enjoy. Drinks in hand, they were sitting on the deck watching the sunlight. My dog, Stella, also seemed to be in heaven. My mom wanted to show me the sweet little set-up they had going on. Apparently they had a nice little romantic dinner on the deck as well.

Of course, I couldn't help but to roll my eyes a bit, but I'm glad they showed me. Today's dumb topic is family. I guess what especially drove me to write about this is because I had a crazy dream last night  about my grandfather dying, and I woke up feeling really disheveled. I felt bad that I didn't get to go over my uncle's house yesterday for a Memorial Day party. I went out with my friend Diana (Andrew's sister) to see The Avengers, and then we went out for lunch. It was great; I had a lot of fun, but I needed to relax for a bit cause I was still pooped from the French project thing- I didn't get home till like 12:45 in the AM. So when I got home from the movies, naturally I just plopped in my room and mindlessly surfed the internet for like three hours. I didn't even realize how much time I wasted. I should have went over and played with the kids and family. I kinda wanted to too. Just.. it didn't happen. I'm planning to visit them all individually this week now. It's a need.

The importance of family has significantly increased in my life this year. I used to be the typical grouchy teenager.. I tried my best to avoid family events as much as possible. Every time my dad would throw his stupid seemingly-weekly parties, I would play sick or go off to do homework. I'd give one-word responses to relatives' generic "let's pretend that I care about your life" questions.. ( those awkward, "so how's school" kind of questions), and blatantly treat my younger toddler cousins as though they were pet rocks. Did I feel bad about it? Not enough, in my honest opinion. 

It hit me, almost as though from a blind side, ever so subtly, but progressively, that people have aged, myself included. That sounds a bit corny, I know. Let's just put it this way, no longer do family members exist to me so that I can get a lot of money on my birthday.. and I'm no longer a little kid who co-exists so closely to them just to enlighten them with my naivete.. entertain them because I know that the capital of Nebraska is Lincoln. With time, I have learned that my idols, the ones that love me most, aren't perfect, but they are there for me no matter what, have their best interest in me for the sake of love, and that's why I love them. 


Douching Up NYU

Also, here's me looking like a pretentious, hipster douche in my outfit today at NYU. Gooooo, me! 

WTF Memorial Day in New York

Yeah wow, today has been a weird day.. And it's hardly started yet.

First off there was this whole big fiasco with the train (from Trenton to New York). The station TV thing said the train would be at track 1, but the conductor was like "LOL, nope. Wrong train." when I got there. So I walked over to track 2, got on the train, and asked someone if that was the train going to New York. Her response was "Yeah, you know that train that says it's supposed to be at track 1? It's actually not." .... Yeah okay, that's not weird.

Then I missed my stop on the A train and had to turn around and go uptown again.. Oops.

THEN the L train was being really weird. Allllll the doors were closed except one in the very back. Then all the doors opened and closed again. And then a voice came on and said "Mind the doors" and they opened and closed a second time. Then the train let out this really strange, loud noise (whistle?) for about 30 seconds before it started moving.

Eventually I found my way to the Cooper Union building (the place I was trying to get to, duh) and I grab a seat. Actually, before that the doors to the building were locked so the security guard had to let me in.. That was really awkward.. But then I sat down and grabbed my seat and this lady comes and puts her hand on my shoulder and says "Hey!". I'm like "Hii?" and she goes "Oh...! I'm sorry! You look just like my friend..." and wanders away, sits in the row in front of me, and starts talking about what happened while I sit here trying not to laugh.. Also, she just walked behind me as I typed this part. Coolllll.

So yeah, today has been a really weird day. Thus far. LOL, dumb life.....

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Jamie: LOL, so todayyyy is Sunday. I have to go to my cousin's graduation today. For the longest time I thought his name was Jake.. Everyone calls him Jake, I've always known him as Jake, it's even Jake on his Facebook. But apparently his real name is John. And I've went 17 years without knowing that. So that's awkward.. I haven't actually told my parents that I just figured this out. Huh, I should do that. Anyway, Jess and I went shopping on Friday and I got a super awesome outfit. Expect a new profile picture soon =P Anyway, it's a pretty nifty dress. I feel okay saying that because it looks like it came out of the 60's. It's navy and grey striped, pretty legit. So yeah, that's cool. But I have a crap ton of hickies on my neck so I have noooo idea how I'm going to pull this off tomorrow.. They're nowhere near healed.. Although they're not nearly as bad as they were before. But it's still going to be really awkward when my mom has to help me put my necklace on. Actually, I think my parents have seen them already.. while I was in the car with my dad he asked whether or not I was single because apparently it's "hard to keep track". It was super awkward... You know what else is super awkward? Driving all the way to New York for your lesson and then having your teacher not be at his house. That's pretty damn awkward. Andddddddd today I hung out with my friends at Jazz at the Farm, somehow managed to avoid The Cat (and Jess wasn't there for this =[ </3 Dumb bitch went for a run instead...), and then went to a bonfire with a bunch of lame-o people =P Haha, the bonfire was actually pretty fun. I have this really awkward thing where if I'm talking to someone I've never met before and they don't respond to something I've said with-in three seconds I just keep talking.. It's kind of a nervous habit.. So no one really talked for the first twenty minutes or so. And I kind of spazzed out. Then Jess and I drove around town like the BAMFs we are. And... Then I got coffee! Yay! Wow, this sounds boring....

At least my life is more interesting than going to the grocery store with my mom.

Jess: zzz...

Jamie: Lawlz, Jess is super tired.... Pussy.

Jess: Time for me to bawl my eyes out again., the usual.

Jamie: KBYE.


Jamie: That's what happens when you drive in the ghetto.

Jess:*cough**cough* Bensolome Boulevard ..

Jamie: Cuckoo

Jess: Hummville Road

Jamie: Hahaha, I'm teaching you bitch!

Monday, May 14, 2012

LOL, Sooo

My life is really dumb. And this is a blog about it. Also, my friend's life is dumb. Sooo this blog is about her life too. Kthx.